[PATCH FOR REVIEW] System Zlib Support

Andrew Hughes ahughes at redhat.com
Mon Jul 30 23:24:27 UTC 2012

Hi all,

In OpenJDK 8, some support has already been added for using the system installation of zlib
(see the thread http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/core-libs-dev/2012-July/010967.html),
which is very similar to the support we've had in IcedTea for the last five years (wow, has
it really been that long?).

This is great news for us, as it's less work we have to do in upstreaming the patch (though
7 still needs to be dealt with).  As is, the following webrev:


just fixes a few minor issues to match our existing setup, and fixes a bug found when testing
the existing support.  In detail, the webrev:

* Replaces the hardcoded use of "-lz" with $(ZLIB_LIBS) and $(ZLIB_CFLAGS), now set in
* Replaces "zlib.h" usage with <zlib.h> (mainly to reduce difference, searching '.' has no effect either way)
* Stops uLong being defined if SYSTEM_ZLIB is set, even if we're not on Mac OS X.  Without this fix, the build fails.

Ok for the build forest?  If so, can I please have a bug ID for this?

Andrew :)

Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)

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