URGENT code review request for Solaris FDS fix (7175255)

Daniel D. Daugherty daniel.daugherty at oracle.com
Wed Jun 20 17:02:02 UTC 2012

On 6/20/12 10:44 AM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
> On 6/20/12 10:41 AM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> You still have repeated patterns like:
>>   131         ( set -e ; \
>>   132           cd $(XLIBJVM_DIR) ; \
>> $(LIBJVM_DB) ; \
>>   134         )
>> When
>>   131         ( cd $(XLIBJVM_DIR)&&  $(ADD_GNU_DEBUGLINK) 
>> does the same thing and is more obvious, no need for the set -e
> Yes, that's because I didn't hear back from you after my reply from
> late last night. The "set -e" is there because you asked me to add
> it in a previous FDS fix.
> I'll switch it.

Fixed. See the following:


Only make/solaris/makefiles/dtrace.make has changed in this round...


> Dan
>> -kto
>> On Jun 20, 2012, at 9:23 AM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>>> Greetings,
>>> I've updated the fix to (hopefully) address Kelly's and David H's
>>> concerns. Here is the URL for code review round 1:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/fds_revamp/7175255-webrev/1/
>>> Brief summary of changes relative to code review round 0:
>>> - removed definition of GENERATED from both add_gnu_debuglink.make
>>>   and fix_empty_sec_hdr_flags.make; this will decouple these work
>>>   around Makefiles from the regular HotSpot Makefiles that define
>>>   the GENERATED macro. No, I'm not cleaning up that mess. :-)
>>> - add new "XLIBJVM_DIR = 64" variable and change all uses of a
>>>   literal "64" in dtrace.make to the new variable
>>> - drop uses of $(QUIETLY) in sub-shell constructs; I don't think
>>>   $(QUIETLY) works in sub-shells anyway, but my memory is fuzzy
>>>   there
>>> Test JPRT jobs for HSX-24 and HSX-23.2 are in flight right now.
>>> Thanks, in advance, for any reviews!
>>> Dan
>>> On 6/19/12 7:21 PM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>>>> Greetings,
>>>> This is an URGENT code review request for a Solaris specific Full 
>>>> Debug
>>>> Symbols (FDS) fix. Due to a Makefile logic error, the full debug 
>>>> symbol
>>>> files and related '_g' symlinks are created in the wrong sub-directory
>>>> for a couple of the dtrace libraries. The incorrect paths have a 
>>>> double
>>>> "64/" sub-directory, e.g.:
>>>> solaris-<arch>/jre/lib/<arch>/client/64/64/libjvm_db.debuginfo
>>>> These are the correct symlink paths:
>>>> solaris-<arch>/fastdebug/jre/lib/<arch>/client/64/libjvm_g_db.debuginfo
>>>> solaris-<arch>/fastdebug/jre/lib/<arch>/client/64/libjvm_g_dtrace.debuginfo
>>>> solaris-<arch>/fastdebug/jre/lib/<arch>/server/64/libjvm_g_db.debuginfo
>>>> solaris-<arch>/fastdebug/jre/lib/<arch>/server/64/libjvm_g_dtrace.debuginfo
>>>> and these are the correct debug info file paths:
>>>>     solaris-<arch>/jre/lib/<arch>/client/64/libjvm_db.debuginfo
>>>>     solaris-<arch>/jre/lib/<arch>/client/64/libjvm_dtrace.debuginfo
>>>>     solaris-<arch>/jre/lib/<arch>/server/64/libjvm_db.debuginfo
>>>>     solaris-<arch>/jre/lib/<arch>/server/64/libjvm_dtrace.debuginfo
>>>> solaris-<arch>/fastdebug/jre/lib/<arch>/client/64/libjvm_db.debuginfo
>>>> solaris-<arch>/fastdebug/jre/lib/<arch>/client/64/libjvm_dtrace.debuginfo
>>>> solaris-<arch>/fastdebug/jre/lib/<arch>/server/64/libjvm_db.debuginfo
>>>> solaris-<arch>/fastdebug/jre/lib/<arch>/server/64/libjvm_dtrace.debuginfo
>>>> where "<arch>" is "i586" or "sparc". The 64-bit Solaris platforms 
>>>> ("amd64"
>>>> and "sparcv9") don't have this issue because they don't have the "64/"
>>>> sub-directories.
>>>> This fix is targeted at HSX-24/JDK8 and HSX-23.2/JDK7u6 and will 
>>>> resolve
>>>> an issue that is preventing Oracle's Release Engineering scripts from
>>>> running properly.
>>>> Here is the webrev URL for the HSX-24/JDK8 version:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/fds_revamp/7175255-webrev/0/
>>>> The HSX23.3/JDK7u6 version is the same except for the changes to
>>>> make/solaris/makefiles/defs.make which are not needed in HSX23.2.
>>>> Thanks, in advance, for any reviews!
>>>> Dan

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