RFR (S): 7178667: ALT_EXPORT_PATH does not export server jvm on macosx

Staffan Larsen staffan.larsen at oracle.com
Thu Jun 21 14:54:27 UTC 2012

[adding build-dev and macosx-port-dev]

On 21 jun 2012, at 14:43, David Holmes wrote:

> On 21/06/2012 10:30 PM, Staffan Larsen wrote:
>> Do you mean:
> Yes. Now they will always be rebuilt.
>> Yes, that seems to have the same effect. Probably a better solution.
> I think both of these simply mask the real problem. I still don't understand how only some of the list items get "rebuilt". The CR says
> "These targets will only be run for the last item in the xxx_LIST variables (which happens to be the client jvm)"
> but I don't understand why that is?

Neither do I. Makefiles is black magic to me. I only discovered that building the complete JDK from the top-level directory did not update the hotspot bits in the j2sdk-image and this was the ultimate cause.

Here is an updated webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sla/7178667/webrev.02/


> But I also don't understand this universalization process.
> BTW you might want to run this past the bsd-port folks (don't recall the exact alias) and/or build-dev. I seem to recall that last time we changed something to do with universal builds it actually broke something.
> David
>> Thanks,
>> /Staffan
>> On 21 jun 2012, at 14:12, David Holmes wrote:
>>> Hi Staffan,
>>> On 21/06/2012 6:33 PM, Staffan Larsen wrote:
>>>> Please review the following fix to makefiles for universal binaries on
>>>> max os x. The idea is to force the target to be executed for all items
>>>> in the list.
>>>> Fix contributed by Rickard Bäckman (rbackman).
>>>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sla/7178667/webrev.01/
>>> I don't understand the problem that this addresses but wouldn't you get the same affect by declaring those targets as PHONY ?
>>> David
>>> PS. Unrelated but I was astounded to see that bsd/Makefile and linux/Makefile both have a chunk of code conditional on "ifeq ($(OSNAME),solaris)" Huh!

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