Need reviewer on addition of whitespace normalizer script

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at
Fri Mar 2 23:41:23 UTC 2012

A TAB takes you to a specific TAB spot, default is one TAB stop every 8 characters in a line.
So the conversion is not just 'replace TAB with N characters'.
This is one of the issues with TABs, they aren't as predictable as people might think, especially
when mixed with spaces or placed in any location other than the beginning of the line all by

It should not change the indenting, but that's with the assumption that the TABs follow the
8 character spacing. And that of course depends on how you are viewing the source. :^(


On Mar 2, 2012, at 3:04 PM, David Holmes wrote:

> On 3/03/2012 3:12 AM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> I don't understand the question. It only changes TAB characters, removes trailing whitespace on lines,
>> and duplicate blank lines at the end of the file.
> I think the issue is what does it replace a TAB with? 4 spaces for JDK or 2 spaces for Hotspot?
> David
>> -kto
>> On Mar 2, 2012, at 1:00 AM, Staffan Larsen wrote:
>>> Does this handle the difference between indents in HotSpot (indent 2) vs the JDK (indent 4)?
>>> /Staffan
>>> On 1 mar 2012, at 22:32, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>>>> Need reviewer. Adding the whitespace normalizer script as a convenience to the jdk developers.
>>>> 6625113: Add the normalize and rmkw perl script to the openjdk repository or openjdk site?
>>>> Probably a little history is warranted here. This script was originally written to normalize the
>>>> whitespace in the jdk7 sources as they entered the Mercurial repositories in "changeset 0".
>>>> It's been modified since then very slightly. I can't recall who wrote it (please speak up if you know)
>>>> but it has been a valuable tool and I've had this CR to add it to the make/scripts directory for some time.
>>>> The SCCS keyword removed (rmkw) was less useful, and I decided that it did not deserve being added.
>>>> Why whitespace normalization? This was decided a long time ago when we had a raft of complaints from
>>>> people viewing the sources with different tools and getting different views based on the TABs and trailing
>>>> blanks or trailing newlines. So we decided to normalize on no TABs, no trailing blanks on lines, and
>>>> no more than one blank line at the end of the file. This script was used to do that normalization.
>>>> -kto

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