Anthony Petrov anthony.petrov at
Tue Mar 6 16:40:21 UTC 2012

Hi Martin,

On 3/6/2012 6:17 PM, martin burtscher wrote:
> if I use BUILD_HEADLESS=true the awt packages are included and useable. 
> So either I understand BUILD_HEADLESS wrong or it doesnt do what its 
> supposed to do.

AWT can work w/o a display, e.g. for in-memory image manipulation, or 
printing support. So there's nothing wrong with having AWT packages 
built when the BUILD_HEADLESS is true.

> Second point is: Why do i need ALT_OPENWIN_HOME? I wanna build it 
> headless, so there's no use of X11. I removed the CROSS_COMPILE options 
> to test the headless build. (Just try to use the cross compile to be 
> sure its working before i use a different compiler...) btw: changing 
> ALT_OPENWIN_HOME doesnt change anything with the errors (Xrender.h 
> missing) i'll get when im using crosscompile.

AFAIK, currently there's no an officially supported way to build an 
AWT-less OpenJDK.

best regards,

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