Fwd: Need reviewer, 7150322: Stop using drop source bundles in jaxws

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at oracle.com
Tue Mar 6 17:24:43 UTC 2012

Still need a reviewer or 2 on this.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Kelly O'Hair" <kelly.ohair at oracle.com>
> Subject: Need reviewer, 7150322: Stop using drop source bundles in jaxws 
> Date: March 2, 2012 15:49:28 PM PST
> To: build-dev build-dev <build-dev at openjdk.java.net>
> Similar to jaxp change, but the source normalization was not needed.
> 7150322: Stop using drop source bundles in jaxws
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ohair/openjdk8/infra-jaxws/webrev/
> I'm working on helping to get the jdk8 build-infra changes integrated, this is for jaxws.
> This is just the changes to the build files to remove the use of the drop bundles and add a new Makefile
> that won't be used just yet. The ant scripts have been cleaned up and simplified too.
> The webrevs do not contain the src/ directory addition, made it too big a webrev.
> I created a make/scripts/update_src.sh script that will copy in the
> latest source drop bundle that was used for this repository, position it in the src/ directory,
> and run the whitespace normalizer script. This script could be re-used in the future but
> it's mostly there to document how I pulled the sources into the repository.
> Once these changes are reviewed, I would need to:
>   sh ./make/scripts/update_src.sh&&  hg addremove src
> on the repository before creating the changesets that bring in all these sources.
> I have run builds and verified that the two deliveries from these repositories (dist/lib/classes.jar
> and dist/lib/src.zip) match the ones created before this change.
> These changes should not impact the final built jdk bits.
> -kto

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