Is anyone able to build on Win 7

Volker Simonis volker.simonis at
Thu Mar 8 18:00:52 UTC 2012

This thread will probably never end (Windows 2046 :)

So I did more test......

- I wanted to compare with MKS and the first thing I hit on was a bug
in MKS's 9.4 version
of  cpio ("CFS# 32408--- cpio can not handle files which are
ReadOnly"). And it's expensive
and installation and license handling is PITA if you use several
virtual machiines..

- Still couldn't find the reason why the build hangs with Cygwin 1.7.10

Finally I decided to try something new - MinGW/MSYS.

And indeed - it worked, it's nearly as fast as MKS, it can use the
default make which comes
with the MinGW/Installation. Read the glory details at:

Please feel free to test, review and (hopfully) submit it.

The changes are intentionally against the old, "traditional" build system to fix
the mentioned Cygwin problems and simplify the Windows build just now.

As next steps I see the following points:
- integrate MinGW/MSYS with the new build system
- completely remove nmake from the HotSpot build and use prallel GNU make
  like on Linux (I know this works and that it's faster - just have to
build a OpenJDK patch)

Any comments?


On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:10 PM, Fredrik Öhrström
<fredrik.ohrstrom at> wrote:
> ----- kelly.ohair at skrev:
>> So I'm with you on the stat() theory, makes a great deal of sense.
> The stat theory is very interesting, but it is unclear to me if it explains all of the problem.
> I setup a quadruple boot x86_64 machine with 4GB of ram and 4 cores:
> Winxp 32bit
> Win7 64bit
> Solaris 64bit
> Ubuntu 64bit
> And tested the build times on the different OS:es.
> Ubuntu Fastest by far.
> Solaris, slower, but this is only because of bad CC performance.
> Winxp, even slower but still ok.
> Win7, ridiculously slow. The configure script prints one line per second!
> Clearly, just running a bash script in cygwin/win7/64bit is problematic.
> If we get 10% speedup from dash, then that is not going to help because
> the slowdown is a factor 10.
> Could someone try out the difference between a 32bit win7 clean install and a 64 bit win7 clean install when running the latest cygwin and just the build-infra/jdk8/common/autoconf/configure script?
> (My patience for installing many OSes into the same box, just ran out. And virtualization
> testing can give a hint, but cannot be entirely trusted.)
> //Fredrik

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