Review Request: 7141246 build-infra merge: Introduce new JVM_VARIANT* to control which kind of jvm gets built

David Holmes david.holmes at
Tue Mar 13 11:00:07 UTC 2012

On 13/03/2012 8:01 PM, Fredrik Öhrström wrote:
> 2012-03-13 00:26, David Holmes skrev:
>> You seem to have included the MINIMAL VM changes in here. Those changes
>> have not been pushed to the mainline and are not yet to be pushed. If
>> you want to push these build-infra changes you will need to factor out
>> the MINIMAL VM stuff - else wait.
> The change of a few makefile internal variables named, for example
> to MINIMAL_VM_TARGETS makes sense, since the configure generated
> variables are already
> named JVM_VARIANT_MINIMAL. This change is based on a decision to rename
> kernel to minimal,

That is not really what is happening. KERNEL is gone (going) and MINIMAL 
is coming. There are few places where it looks like a rename but that's 
a bit of an over-simplificifation.

To review these changes in their current form means trying to factor out 
the KERNEL->MINIMAL change while keeping track of what is actually new here.

> that will eventually arrive, as you say.  I see no harm in these changes
> being pushed now.
> It will not affect anyone since the actual makefile api (targets) are
> still called kernel.

Which means we will have a bunch of non-working targets - right?


> //Fredrik

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