Review Request: Build-infra M1
Fredrik Öhrström
fredrik.ohrstrom at
Mon Mar 26 11:09:58 UTC 2012
2012-03-26 12:05, Michael McMahon skrev:
> Thanks. It looks like the first of the three options above is most
> similar to the verbosity
> level of the old build. Is all of this documented anywhere?
Well, I have so far really tried to comment in the makefiles. So the
"make VERBOSE="
trick is the first thing that is written in the root Makefile. :-)
However, I agree that reading the makefiles really, is not an option for
most people.
Thus here is a first cheat sheet of the options that are of OpenJDK
builder interest.
(The list will change and also be expanded with more configuration
It is in fact the output from "configure --help" where I have removed
options of
more generic interest and that are not really used yet. For example
detailed install locations
and such.
The configure script tries to figure everything out for you. The goal is
that you should
not have to configure the number of cores, where the boot jdk is etc etc.
For example, the configure script does try to find your boot jdk on
Windows by looking
in the default installation locations. It does so only partially on the
Mac. (Please add
that code to if you like!) So you specify
only when want to override, or if you have a special installation.
The same is true for most other options, number of cores, amount of
memory etc etc.
On Windows, you have to specify the path to the freetype dlls and header
Since they have no default location. But the configure script will find
your visual
studio installation!
Typical configure examples:
# Plain and simple, build a release version.
# You want to debug?
../autoconf/configure --enable-debug
# A windows build.
../autoconf/configure --with-freetype=/cygdrive/c/downloads/myfreetype
# Build using incremental build for java. Ie rebuild only the package
and its dependent packages when a single
# Java source file is changed.
../autoconf/configure --enable-javac-server --enable-javac-deps
# Cross compiling to 32 bit, and build only the server jvm.
../autoconf/configure --host=i686-unknown-linux-gnu
--with-sys-root=/home/sysroots/for32bitlinux --with-jvm-variants=server
# Plain and simple.
# Debug the build process.
# If you have run configure twice from the makefiles directory.
# (For example you have normal configure and a cross configure)
# This make command will build all configurations.
make ALL
--build=BUILD configure for building on BUILD [guessed] But it is
recommended that you set it.
--host=HOST cross-compile to build programs to run on HOST [BUILD]
--disable-head Should support for a head (graphical UI
support) be
compiled into the jdk/jvm? [default=enabled]
--enable-debug Enable the debug level=fastdebug, ie asserts,
-g and
--disable-ccache Should ccache be used to speed up recompilations?
Should precompiled headers be used by the C++
compiler [default=enabled]
--enable-javac-server Disable the shared javac server during the build
process, which is enabled by default.
--enable-javac-deps Enable the dependency tracking between Java
Compile Java packages concurrently instead of
a batch compile of each source root.
Disable use of the MacOSX Java runtime support
--disable-docs Disable generation of documentation
[default=disabled] (Should be enabled, but
we really need to fix the speed of javadoc!)
--disable-nimbus Disable nimbus L&F [default=enabled]
Use only dynamic linking to the c++ runtime on
The default is to static link.
Enable running of Queens test after Hotspot build.
Automatically disabled when cross compiling.
--with-num-cores=32 specify the number of cores in the build system.
--with-memorysize=1024 specify the number MB of memory in the build
Used to limit number of
concurrent javacs.
--with-jdk-variant Choose jdk variant to build: normal,embedded.
--with-jvm-variants Choose jvm variants, separated by commas, to
[default=server] (only client,server and
kernel works right now)
--with-debug-level Set the debug level: release, fastdebug,
--with-msvcr100dll= copy this msvcr100.dll into the built jdk,
instead of the automatically found one.
--with-builddeps-conf use this configuration file for the builddeps
and no
--with-builddeps-server download and use build dependencies from this
url, eg ftp://aserver.atld/adir
--with-builddeps-dir store downloaded build dependencies here
--with-builddeps-group chgrp the downloaded build dependencies to
this group
--with-sys-root pass --sys-root=the_sys_root to the compilers
and linker.
--with-ccache-dir Store ccache files here. Defaults to your
.ccache in
your home directory.
--with-boot-jdk specify which boot jdk to use to build.
--with-add-source-root For each and every source directory, look in this
additional source root for the same directory,
if it
exists and have files in it, include them in the
For each and every source directory, look in this
override source root for the same directory, if it
exists, use that directory instead and ignore the
directory in the original source root.
--with-override-langtools Use this langtools dir for the build.
--with-override-corba Use this corba dir for the build.
--with-override-jaxp Use this jaxp dir for the build.
--with-override-jaxws Use this jaxws dir for the build.
--with-override-hotspot Use this hotspot dir for the build.
--with-override-jdk Use this jdk dir for the build. (Though is is
probably better to clone a new forest instead.)
--with-boot-jdk-jvmargs specify a standard set of jvmargs to passed to all
invocations of the boot jdk, ie -Xmx8G
-enableassertions. This overrides the default
--with-server-java Use this java binary for running the javac
background server and other long running java
in the build process, ie
--with-server-java="/jrockit/bin/java -server"
Use at most this number of concurrent threads
on the
javac server. Defaults to the number of cores in
your build system.
--with-x use the X Window System
--with-cups=PATH specify prefix directory for installed cups
Equivalent to --with-cups-include=PATH/include
plus --with-cups-lib=PATH/lib
--with-freetype=PATH specify prefix directory for installed
freetype2 package.
Expects the libraries under PATH/lib and the
headers under PATH/include
--with-alsa=PATH specify prefix directory for installed alsa.
Equivalent to --with-alsa-include=PATH/include
plus --with-alsa-lib=PATH/lib
--with-pulse=PATH specify prefix directory for installed pulse.
Equivalent to --with-pulse-include=PATH/include
plus --with-pulse-lib=PATH/lib
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