Review Request: Build-infra M1

Michael McMahon michael.x.mcmahon at
Tue Mar 27 15:21:02 UTC 2012

On 27/03/12 16:04, Fredrik Öhrström wrote:
> 2012-03-27 16:39, Michael McMahon skrev:
>> A few more things I'd like to understand are:
>> 1) In what circumstances exactly would the configure script have to 
>> be re-run?
> You run configure once to setup a particular build configuration.
> After it is run, you only need to run make for the build configuration.
> Rerunning configure on an already setup build configuration is not 
> recommended.
> If you want to tweak something (like different flags to compilers and 
> such, just
> edit the generated spec.gmk file.
>> 2) Can you give examples of the kind of build changes that would be 
>> needed :-
>>      - when a small'ish change is made (eg adding a couple of new 
>> source files, or renaming
>>         or removing them)?
> Adding/removing source files does not require a rerun of configure.
>>     -  when a new component is added, with both Java and native 
>> sources in new source directories
> Adding an entire subdirectory of sources, more native source etc etc 
> does not require a rerun of configure.
> Configure does not care about source code layout except where the 
> repositories are. It knows how to
> find/download compilers/linkers/tools and create a spec.gmk file with 
> all the necessary variables
> that encode this information. (For example: 
Right. Configure doesn't need to be re-run, but presumably there is some 
meta-information linking sources to target libraries etc. Say a new 
native library
libfoo were to be added with associated C (and Java) sources. Where 
would this get added to
the build system?

- Michael

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