Need reviewer - @GenerateNativeHeader

Fredrik Öhrström oehrstroem at
Wed May 23 07:51:02 UTC 2012

There is no point holding off this push since GenerateNativeHeader annotation
and uses of it were already pushed long time ago. These are just the finishing
touches to cater for the conversion of the remaining makefiles.

If you want another location for the annotation then we can easily search and
replace it later.


2012/5/23 Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at>:
> Kelly,
> Can you hold off pushing this for a few days? While this is compile-time
> only dependency I think the impact needs further study.
> -Alan.
> On 23/05/2012 02:14, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> 7170969: Add @GenerateNativeHeader to classes whose fields need to be
>> exported for JNI
>> The new build infrastructure wants to fully automate the generation of the
>> JNI header files (running javah).
>> On classes that have "native" methods this is obvious, but class that only
>> export constants, and whose constants
>> are needed in the JNI native code, we need to mark these classes as
>> needing their native header file generated.
>> This change is adding:
>> import;
>> /* No native methods here, but the constants are needed in the supporting
>> JNI code */
>> @GenerateNativeHeader
>> To any class without a native method, but needing to expose it's constants
>> to the native code.
>> -kto

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