Request for Review: Add hotspot support for building with mingw/msys on build-infra (the new build)

Fredrik Öhrström fredrik.ohrstrom at
Fri Nov 2 08:27:13 UTC 2012

2012-10-26 17:02, Kelly O'Hair skrev:
> I tend to disagree, having multiple words in CC is unconventional, and 
> if we do that, we need to consider the consequences of straying from 
> the typical make convention. But I'd rather not get into what is 
> theoretically wrong or right, it just needs to work, so we do what we 
> have to. The fixpath trick concerns me on windows, all the extra 
> exec's and all, but I've kept quiet about it because I'm not that up 
> to speed on the specific issues. I think we need to watch fixpath 
> pretty closely, something tells me we aren't done with this issue, 
> just a gut feeling. 

Since the CC specified in spec.gmk is not shared with any external 
makefile, and all implicit or default rules are turned off (using -R)
it does not really matter that it does not contain a single executable.

It would be trivial to create a CC_PREFIX variable and change all 
occurrences of CC to $(CC_PREFIX) $(CC), and the same for CXX, LD etc etc
But I am not sure this would help the cygwin/msys file system confusion.

fixpath does not incur the cygwin fork cost, because it is a windows 
only program and uses CreateProcess, not a fork simulation.


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