Review Request: 8002028: build-infra: need no-hotspot partial build

David Holmes david.holmes at
Fri Nov 9 03:39:17 UTC 2012

On 9/11/2012 12:27 AM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
> New webrev for root:
> <>
> Changed to conditional as David suggested.

It seems that because hotspot is added to .PHONY then make doesn't 
complain about the

jdk: hotspot


But with regard to the import, you are forcing the import location to be 
a full JDK:

+     if ! (test -d $HOTSPOT_DIST/lib && test -d $HOTSPOT_DIST/jre/lib); 
+         AC_MSG_ERROR([You have to import hotspot from a full jdk image 
or hotspot build dist dir!])

and I don't understand why. Why can't I import from a JRE or from a 
custom build location that doesn't contain lib/jre/... ?


> Improved the description and fail message in configure.
> /Erik
> On 2012-11-08 11:41, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>> On 2012-11-08 04:19, David Holmes wrote:
>>> Hi Erik,
>>> Two queries:
>>> 1. In Main.gmk wouldn't it be better to move the hotspot targets
>>> inside the conditional - that way if you ask to build hotspot when
>>> you are not configured to build it you will get an error.
>> I figured there would be errors when other targets depended on
>> hotspot, but it seems to handle it fine. In fact, I can't get it to
>> cause any errors at all even when trying to make hotspot explicitly.
>> It looks better having the complete set of rules inside the ifdefs
>> though.
>>> 2. Why do you have to import hotspot from a full JDK ??
>> You don't. I just assumed that's how this feature was used before.
>> Another valid value would be the dist directory of any hotspot build.
>> Are there other possible ways to use this in the old build?
>> /Erik
>>> David
>>> On 8/11/2012 1:08 AM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>>>> Adding support for importing the hotspot binaries from a prebuilt j2sdk
>>>> image. Use configure option --with-import-hotspot=/path/to/j2sdkimage
>>>> and the build will skip building hotspot.
>>>> <>
>>>> <>
>>>> Note that if trying this patch (or before committing it) make sure to
>>>> regenerate configure first and if committing, commit in jdk/make/closed
>>>> too.
>>>> /Erik

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