Review Request: 8001875: build-infra: We must be able to force static linking of stdc++

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at
Wed Nov 14 17:17:27 UTC 2012

Looks ok to me...  although I confess I'm going to need to brush up on my m4. ;^)


On Nov 14, 2012, at 3:38 AM, Erik Joelsson wrote:

> <>
> This patch changes the configure paramater --disable-static-link-stdc++ to the following:
> --with-stdc++lib=<static>,<dynamic>,<default>
> * default: try static if it works but falling back on dynamic
> * static: force static or fail if it doesn't work
> * dynamic: force dynamic or fail if it doesn't work
> This only applies to linux.
> Previously configure would just emit a warning that the chosen strategy didn't work and the other was chosen. I think that if a user actively choses a strategy for linking, it should be an error if it can't be used.
> This became a problem when trying to compile 32-bit linux binaries on a 64-bit system and trying to sort out all the library dependencies.
> After applying the patch, remember to run bash common/autoconf/ and to also submit in jdk/make/closed when pushing it in.
> /Erik

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