Fwd: Re: How to decrease size of j2sdk_image

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Fri Oct 12 15:43:00 UTC 2012

On 10/12/2012 04:16 AM, Seán Coffey wrote:

> thanks for the detailed reply. It makes sense to exercise such code 
> where possible.
> However, I'd also argue that Oracle JDK != OpenJDK.
> why would openJDK developers get to build FDS by default? - it slows the 
> build and makes bundles bigger. I would imagine most developers don't 
> need the functionality and for the ones that do - they have the 
> FULL_DEBUG_SYMBOLS switch to flip..

Just to explain how we work, and perhaps make it easier to understand
what we do:

In the GNU & Linux world we always build everything with full debug
symbols.  We always put debug info into separate bundles, so it makes
no difference to the size of the packages.  (Full debuginfo is
required by distro policies.)  Build time for HotSpot doesn't much
matter because we're usually doing incremental builds when working on
HotSpot itself, and if we're building all of OpenJDK it's not a huge
difference.  If we are working on HotSpot, we need full debuginfo
because without it GDB doesn't work well.  All of our engineers expect
to be able to debug any package, whoever built it, if needs be.


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