Request for review : FreeType embedded in OSX packages

Henri Gomez henri.gomez at
Wed Oct 17 17:30:22 UTC 2012

Only tried it with old build system. 

Le 17 oct. 2012 à 18:18, Phil Race <philip.race at> a écrit :

> On 10/17/12 1:11 AM, Henri Gomez wrote:
>>> You need to create a bug at <> describing what you want to change, and then attach a new patch. Mike's review plus one other will be enough to get it into JDK 8. JDK 7u will need two reviewers, since I think the Java2D team owns this part of the code. (I cc'd Phil Race).
>> Ticket created : #2361569
>> Link to patches provided inside
> What number is that ? I think its just an incident. I will file a JIRA bug
> on this shortly .. but I had tried the patch yesterday and FWIW it doesn't
> seem to remove "build" dependency on the system libfreetype ..
> I don't think anything you did caused this because it would already fail
> for me in the sanity check at the beginning but a complete fix would
> address this too where it seems the ALT_ path is not making it through
> to tools/freetypecheck/Makefile
> dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libfreetype.6.dylib
>  Referenced from: /openjdk8/2d/build/macosx-x86_64/btbins/freetype_versioncheck
>  Reason: image not found
> make[2]: *** [all] Trace/BPT trap: 5
> ..
> ..
> ERROR: FreeType version  2.3.0  or higher is required.
> /bin/mkdir -p /openjdk8/2d/build/macosx-x86_64/btbins
> rm -f /openjdk8/2d/build/macosx-x86_64/btbins/freetype_versioncheck
> /openjdk8/2d/build/macosx-x86_64/btbins/freetype_versioncheck
> Failed to build freetypecheck.
> Exiting because of the above error(s).
> -----
> Also did you try this in the old and new build systems ?
> Finally, the way we build internally I guess our jprt and R/E builds of
> openjdk on OS X (if the latter were tried at all) should be made capable
> of using a custom freetype build. I think they can be ignorant of
> this change for now, but without creating a build and making them use
> it they will still spit out builds which rely on the system freetype
> -phil.

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