Makefile change in 7045397

David Holmes david.holmes at
Wed Oct 24 05:15:34 UTC 2012

Hi Jon,

This change only affects the building of the minimal VM. If we need 
these additional files for NPG then we need them.

Change seems okay to me. I assume minimal VM now builds correctly.


On 24/10/2012 1:14 AM, Jon Masamitsu wrote:
> This change to add free lists to the class metadata (part of the perm
> gen removal project)
> has a change to make/excludeSrc.make to remove
> freeList.cpp, binaryTreeDictionary.cpp, and
> freeBlockDictionary.cpp from the exclude list. These
> files had code that was previously only used by the
> CMS garbage collector but is now shared with
> class metadata allocation code. The
> change also added adaptiveFreeList.cpp (code
> specific to CMS removed from freeList.cpp) to
> the exclude list. The udiff for the change to
> excludeSrc.make is
> This is a request to review the above change
> to excludeSrc.make.
> Thanks.

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