Build changes for 7176225: Remove JDBC-ODBC Bridge

John Yeary johnyeary at
Mon Oct 29 12:41:00 UTC 2012

Thanks Ulf, that was my exact point Ulf. Although, you were much more

One of the most consistent things that Java has done is ensuring backwards
compatibility. The removal of something like the JDBC-ODBC bridge will
cause issues later. We tell people to upgrade all the time. Security
problems arise and we patch them followed by a message to tell folks to
upgrade. The consumer JRE even has a reminder application which asks them
if they want to upgrade. One click, and their applications stop working.

Although I don't do anything now with MS Access, I see these nice Swing
applications which end up with an Access database. The software that runs a
number of Yoga studios has this configuration. It is the small businesses
which rely on the cheaper Access based applications which will have

If ever there was a case for Jigsaw this is it. Oracle if you don't want to
upgrade, or enhance it that is OK. However, leave it there for those who
need it.

Just my thoughts.


John Yeary
*NetBeans Dream Team*
*President Greenville Java Users Group
Java Users Groups Community Leader
Java Enterprise Community Leader*


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though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who
neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight
that knows not victory nor defeat."
-- Theodore Roosevelt

On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 7:57 AM, Ulf Zibis <Ulf.Zibis at> wrote:

> Am 26.10.2012 23:39, schrieb Alan Bateman:
>> The JDBC-ODBC bridge has never been in OpenJDK, it's just the make files.
> I know, but is it still in Oracle JDK?
>  I don't think it has really been necessary for many years anyway as so
>> many JDBC drivers available.
> For a quick connection to a MS Access DB it has been useful, even if not
> perfect.
> I'm not aware of any other free or open source JDBC-driver to connect to
> ...
> ... and MS Access is widely used by "semi-professionals" ;-)
> -Ulf

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