Request for Review: Support build-infra output directory in langtools test

Magnus Ihse Bursie magnus.ihse.bursie at
Mon Oct 29 17:32:13 UTC 2012

On 2012-10-27 00:27, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> The only important thing for integration with build-infra is that the langtools test makefile gets a customizable output directory, so it is not hard-coded to the old output directory.
> Fair enough, but let's see if we can integrate that change into the jdk8/tl/langtools repository.
> Jonathan Gibbons should look at the change if he has the time.

Jon told me in a private mail: "It's a Makefile, so I defer to the Build 
Group experts."

>> The build-infra test integration currently calls test/Makefile in the root, and that works fine. I do not remeber if it is because it already has this variable, or because it does not output anything, but I suspect thr latter.
>> I was not aware that the hotspot repo also shared this test logic, so I haven't checked there.
> "sharing" is probably not the right word, "copied" would be better, unfortunately. :^(
> If we could put some shared test make logic in the top level common/makefiles area, we could try and share
> that, but hotspot still has completely independent makefiles, so some copies might be needed for now, in hotspot.

"Shared logic" might still have "copied code", if you understand what I 
mean. The jdk and langtools test files are copied as well, but they have 
the same input arguments etc. That what was I meant by "shared logic". 
But I agree completely that it would be better if common logic was 
extracted to the toplevel/common directory, possibly a new common/test 
if you want to keep test and build separated.


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