The future of partial builds

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Thu Sep 13 11:12:48 UTC 2012

On 12/09/2012 19:49, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> Some stats on incremental builds. Not partial builds..
> This is an older Solaris machine, building the complete openjdk forest from scratch
> for 64bit including images took less than 14 minutes (parallel build setting was 8) and images took 2mins of this 14mins:
> -- Build times ----------
> Target
> Start 2012-09-12 10:56:17
> End   2012-09-12 11:09:55
> 00:00:30 corba
> 00:04:51 hotspot
> 00:00:23 jaxp
> 00:00:33 jaxws
> 00:04:43 jdk
> 00:01:59 jdk-images
> 00:00:39 langtools
> 00:13:38 TOTAL
> -------------------------
and on more modern sparc machines it's better again, here's what I see 
on a T4 with --with-num-cores=32

-- Build times ----------
Start 2012-09-13 11:41:22
End   2012-09-13 11:50:03
00:00:27 corba
00:02:42 hotspot
00:00:25 jaxp
00:00:31 jaxws
00:03:11 jdk
00:00:50 jdk-images
00:00:35 langtools
00:08:41 TOTAL

It might not be identical to your build as I needed to 
--disable-debug-symbols and specify ENABLE_FULL_DEBUG_SYMBOLS=0 to 
workaround a gobjcopy bug on Solaris 11.


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