Need reviewer for fix to Mac jdk partial builds

Anthony Petrov anthony.petrov at
Fri Sep 21 11:38:17 UTC 2012

Hi Kelly,

The JDK 8 partial repository (only the jdk itself) builds fine on my Mac 
with your changes. The fix looks good to me, although I don't have deep 
knowledge of the components being modified.

Thanks for fixing this issue!

best regards,

On 9/20/2012 5:19 AM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> 7191703: jprt cannot build jdk on MacOSX.
> Fixes a partial build issue with the jdk repo on the Mac.
> If LANGTOOLS_DIST is defined, nothing changes and the ant script should find langtools/dist/classes.jar.
> Otherwise, by running ant with the import jdk, it should build ok.
> I very much dislike this logic but don't feel it is worth doing more than the minimum here.
> -kto

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