[PATCH FOR REVIEW] Allow OpenJDK to be built with the unlimited crypto policy

Brad Wetmore bradford.wetmore at oracle.com
Wed Sep 26 02:30:43 UTC 2012

On 9/18/2012 7:39 AM, Andrew Hughes wrote:
> The following simple webrev will achieve what I think is needed:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~andrew/100062/webrev.01/
> allowing OpenJDK to be built with the unlimited rather than limited
> crypto policy in place.

I got a chance to talk to Valerie, and what you've done looks good.  I'm 
"wetmore" if you need a reviewer, and I think Kelly has looked at it too.

 > I just placed it within the OPENJDK ifdef so it
 > won't interfere with the proprietary build at all, as obviously I
 > can't test it

Please leave your new code check within the "ifdef OPENJDK".

Will you be putting this back yourself?  If so let me know when you go 
in, and I can update the bug once you're in.

Mark wrote:
 > The summary is that it was just easier to remove unused classes that
 > made the code tricky to understand for no good reason except for some
 > secret proprietary code.

Unfortunately, Oracle and some of our commercial (non-OpenJDK) licensees 
still depend on that tricky code.  :(  I'd personally love to strip it 
all out, but we have to balance all of its consumers (Oracle SE and ME, 
commercial source/binary licensees, OpenJDK, etc.)

Andrew wrote:
 > I'm sure it would be easy enough to dump those classes if Oracle
 > started producing OpenJDK binaries licensed under the GPL, rather
 > than binaries from their proprietary fork.

Unfortunately, not likely in our current export/import climate.


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