[PATCH FOR REVIEW] Allow OpenJDK to be built with the unlimited crypto policy

Brad Wetmore bradford.wetmore at oracle.com
Thu Sep 27 18:42:45 UTC 2012

On 9/27/2012 9:50 AM, Andrew Hughes wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> Will you be putting this back yourself?  If so let me know when
>>>> you
>>>> go
>>>> in, and I can update the bug once you're in.
>>> I will, though I'll need a bug ID for it.  I presume tl is ok as
>>> the
>>> forest to use?
>> This going into 8?  Then yes.
> At first, yes.  Do you have any objections to me proposing it for 7u too, in due course?

None here, other than needing a separate code review.


>> 7201205: Add Makefile configuration option to build with unlimited
>> crypto in OpenJDK.
> Great, thanks!  I'll push it.

>> Brad
>>>> Mark wrote:
>>>>    > The summary is that it was just easier to remove unused
>>>>    > classes
>>>>    > that
>>>>    > made the code tricky to understand for no good reason except
>>>>    > for
>>>>    > some
>>>>    > secret proprietary code.
>>>> Unfortunately, Oracle and some of our commercial (non-OpenJDK)
>>>> licensees
>>>> still depend on that tricky code.  :(  I'd personally love to
>>>> strip
>>>> it
>>>> all out, but we have to balance all of its consumers (Oracle SE
>>>> and
>>>> ME,
>>>> commercial source/binary licensees, OpenJDK, etc.)
>>>> Andrew wrote:
>>>>    > I'm sure it would be easy enough to dump those classes if
>>>>    > Oracle
>>>>    > started producing OpenJDK binaries licensed under the GPL,
>>>>    > rather
>>>>    > than binaries from their proprietary fork.
>>>> Unfortunately, not likely in our current export/import climate.
>>> Yes, this is what I thought.  We just have to make sure to test
>>> well
>>> before shipping binaries.
>>>> Brad

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