No compiler1 product1 for ARCH_DATA_MODEL=64?

Isml neverloseyourpassion at
Tue Apr 9 04:28:15 UTC 2013

OK, I got it. Thanks everyone!

------------------ Original ------------------
From:  "David Holmes"<david.holmes at>;
Date:  Tue, Apr 9, 2013 11:07 AM
To:  "Isml"<neverloseyourpassion at>; 
Cc:  "build-dev"<build-dev at>; 
Subject:  Re: No compiler1 product1 for ARCH_DATA_MODEL=64?

64-bit client VM is not supported.

You can probably make it work with a bit of makefile hackery, but it is 
not supported.

Search the hotspot mailing list archives for some discussion on this.


On 9/04/2013 12:50 PM, Isml wrote:
> Hi everyone,    I am trying to compile a x64 version openjdk on Ubuntu 12.10 x64. I use the following commands:
>      export LP64=1
>      make product1(I want to compile the client jvm)
>      but receive the following errors:
>      No compiler1 product1 for ARCH_DATA_MODEL=64
>      But I can successfully compile the server jvm(using make product), I check the Makefile, and find the following code:
>      ifeq ($(OSNAME),windows)
>    ifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 32)
> 	$(CD) $(OUTPUTDIR); \
> 	    $(NMAKE) -f $(ABS_OS_MAKEFILE) \
> 		      Variant=compiler1 \
>                        WorkSpace=$(ABS_GAMMADIR) \
> 		      BootStrapDir=$(ABS_BOOTDIR) \
>                        BuildUser=$(USERNAME) \
> 		      $(MAKE_ARGS) $(VM_TARGET:%1=%)
>    else
> 	@$(ECHO) "No compiler1 ($(VM_TARGET)) for ARCH_DATA_MODEL=$(ARCH_DATA_MODEL)"
>    endif
> else
>    ifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 32)
> 	$(CD) $(OUTPUTDIR); \
> 	    $(MAKE) -f $(ABS_OS_MAKEFILE) \
> 		      $(MAKE_ARGS) $(VM_TARGET)
>    else
> 	@$(ECHO) "No compiler1 ($(VM_TARGET)) for ARCH_DATA_MODEL=$(ARCH_DATA_MODEL)"
>    endif
> endif
>      It seems that x64 version client jvm is not supported, is it true?
>      Thanks for any help.

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