jdk8 build times

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at oracle.com
Fri Aug 9 06:58:49 UTC 2013

I wonder if anti virus is really turned off here. In my experience, it's 
hard to make it stop completely. I have a slightly older laptop, same 
brand, that builds this in around 40-45 minutes.


On 2013-08-09 03:32, Pete Brunet wrote:
> Haven't rebuilt a release version yet for a true comparison but here are
> my fastdebug times with anti-virus turned off; about the same as release
> with anti-virus on.
> 00:04:30 corba
> 00:07:25 demos
> 00:16:28 docs
> 00:16:15 hotspot
> 00:23:13 images
> 00:04:18 jaxp
> 00:07:29 jaxws
> 00:59:41 jdk
> 00:05:11 langtools
> 00:01:42 nashorn
> 02:26:32 TOTAL
> Pete
> On 8/6/13 12:55 PM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> 4. Using a debug jdk as your boot jdk
>> :)
>> Langtools taking 6 minutes is crazy long. Since there is no native code there, #1 would be my first guess.
>> -kto
>> On Aug 5, 2013, at 5:54 PM, Weijun Wang wrote:
>>>  From my experiences there are 3 reasons a compile could be slow:
>>> 1. Anti-Virus programs
>>> 2. Virtual Machines
>>> 3. Network folders
>>> --Max
>>> On 8/6/13 12:48 AM, Pete Brunet wrote:
>>>> Hi Erik,
>>>> 00:05:55 corba
>>>> 00:09:46 demos
>>>> 00:15:00 docs
>>>> 00:18:37 hotspot
>>>> 00:17:13 images
>>>> 00:03:32 jaxp
>>>> 00:11:41 jaxws
>>>> 01:05:35 jdk
>>>> 00:06:47 langtools
>>>> 00:02:26 nashorn
>>>> 02:37:45 TOTAL
>>>> Pete
>>>> On 8/5/13 6:55 AM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>>>>> That was disappointingly slow for sure. Do you have the build time
>>>>> summary listing?
>>>>> /Erik
>>>>> On 2013-08-02 22:26, Pete Brunet wrote:
>>>>>> FWIW I just built 32 bit jdk8 release on 64 bit win 7 with cygwin 1.7.21
>>>>>> on a dual core 8 GB 2.53 GHz Lenovo T500 and the build time was 2:37:45.

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