RFR: JDK-8023075: JDK-5049299 has broken old make in jdk8

Brad Wetmore bradford.wetmore at oracle.com
Thu Aug 15 02:07:39 UTC 2013

Rob, I'm not sure what happened, but I'm guessing your editor made a 
couple of glaring mistakes.

     1.  <space><tab> in the clean clobber target command section 
instead of <tab>

     2.  No newline at end of file



% hg diff .
diff --git a/make/java/java/Makefile b/make/java/java/Makefile
--- a/make/java/java/Makefile
+++ b/make/java/java/Makefile
@@ -499,6 +499,6 @@
  build: $(HELPER_EXE)

  clean clobber::

\ No newline at end of file

These changes were to the old build system, did you not do a final build 
using that system?

Anyway, here's the webrev:


David, will you please review?


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