RFR: 8009280: JCE jurisdiction policy files not copied into jdk/lib/security

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at oracle.com
Fri Aug 16 08:46:09 UTC 2013

Finally able to revisit this patch:

With this patch the security tests will again be runnable on the 
exploded jdk image. The main changes are:

* The security classes are compiled separately to a different output 
* The security jars are created in the jdk target (instead of images) 
and put in the jdk/lib/... directories.

Also did:
* Removed now redundant entries in rt.jar exclude list
* Changed source location for signing unsigned jars
* Made the SetupJavaCompilation macro more friendly with multiple setups 
sharing output directories.

The reason it had to wait was that this design did not work with sjavac. 
Sjavac has now been fixed in jdk8-tl.


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