Consistent autoconf version

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at
Wed Aug 28 15:47:23 UTC 2013

On 2013-08-28 17:16, Dalibor Topic wrote:
> On 8/28/13 4:59 PM, Mike Duigou wrote:
>> On Aug 28 2013, at 07:42 , Dalibor Topic wrote:
>>> current AC_PREREQ is 2.61, fwiw, which is from 2006. Latest Autoconf is 2.69 from 2012, preceded by 2.68 from 2010.
>>> It may be useful to limit the variety of autoconfs in use by setting AC_PREREQ to, say, 2.68.
>> Eeek! 2.61! I believe our current minimum is 2.67 (though 2.68 seems common and reasonable)
> Yeah -
> says        33 AC_PREREQ([2.61])
> so bumping it to 2.68 (or at least 2.67) may be reasonable.
> cheers,
> dalibor topic
I just checked around on the various systems I'm usually building on. 
2.67 is default on my very old Ubuntu. The new Ubuntu I'm switching to 
has 2.69. On cygwin you get 2.69, on Solaris I used OpenCSW which also 
provided 2.69. On mac I have only managed to get autoconf through 
building a source bundle anyway.

In summary, 2.69 seems readily available on modern OSes and isn't hard 
to install if it isn't. I think we should change the macro AC_PREREQ to 


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