jdk8 build times
Tim Bell
tim.bell at oracle.com
Wed Aug 28 19:11:06 UTC 2013
On 08/28/13 11:47 AM, Pete Brunet wrote:
> Since winset ran in a separate window and it closed before I could use
> the info I needed this advice:
> http://superuser.com/questions/93826/winsat-command-line-closes-too-fast
> Running as admin solved it.
Or open a command window and type in the command line as I did (see
attached screen grab).
If you are on the system console of a Windows 7 box, you can right click
on the system icon and pick 'Properties', then click 'Performance
Information and Tools' to get to a "Windows Experience Index" screen.
Unfortunately this refuses to run over an RDP (remote desktop)
connection, so it is back to the command line for me.
> Here are my numbers: 23.629, 30.545, 113.723 which are about 10x worse
> than your numbers below. It would be interesting to see someone's
> numbers for a laptop SSD.
Yes it would be interesting to hear about SSD. Your numbers are about
as bad as on my laptop, a Dell E6420 loaded with AV and other corporate
mandated S/W.
> What do I need to do to use a datacenter VM?
That is internal corporate trivia, so I will tell you about it off-list.
> Would the latency from Austin negate the gain in disk performance?
Not much - at least I have not noticed it. You typically pay once for
the time to fetch or update the sources, and then build many times.
That is why we want everything local to the build system.
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