Hotspot makefile conversion now in build-infra

Staffan Larsen staffan.larsen at
Thu Dec 5 12:01:19 UTC 2013


On 5 dec 2013, at 11:49, Magnus Ihse Bursie <magnus.ihse.bursie at> wrote:

> We have just "re-opened" the build-infra project (repos and mailing list) for the continuation of the conversion of the old build system.
> "Hey, wasn't that finished already?" you might be thinking. Unfortunately, no. Due to constraints, we left out a major component in the conversion -- hotspot.
> I and Erik have been working on a prototype for building Hotspot using the new build system. It has been developed in a private repository, but is now ready to be moved to build-infra.
> You are of course welcome to try it out, but unless you're eager, it is probably a bit too early. :-) The current prototype has the following limitations/properties:
> * It has only been tested (and probably only work) on linux-x86_64.
> * It creates roughly the correct collection of files in the build/hotspot/dist directory.
> * It compiles roughly the correct set of native files, with roughly the correct set of compiler flags.
> * It creates jar files with roughly the correct contents.
> However, the compare script clearly shows that "roughly" does still not mean "identical". :-)
> Going forward, we need to add support for all platforms, and make sure that the built bits indeed end up identical to the old build system. There are also several pieces of functionality in the current build system that needs to be addressed.
> On the bright side, we can already (with no optimizations being done whatsoever) see a slight speed increase (2 min 11 sec vs 2 min 35 sec on my machine). But most of all, we see a clear reduction of complexity of the build system. Compare:
> magnusi at ../hotspot/make$ wc `find . -type f` | grep total
> 22527  94124 803058 total
> with
> magnusi at .../hotspot/makefiles$ wc `find . -type f` | grep total
>  753  3686 32369 total
> While this will surely double in size before we're done, it's still an order of magnitude simpler.
> /Magnus

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