RFR: 8030350: Enable additional compiler warnings for GCC

Dave Pointon dpointo8 at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Wed Dec 18 13:48:18 UTC 2013

Hiya Mike ,

On Tue, 2013-12-17 at 16:08 -0800, Mike Duigou wrote:
> For the curious, yes, the additional checks do generate additional warnings. ;-)
> This change is targeted at the JDK 9 repos but could be backported to JDK 8 fairly easily/safely.
> Mike

All dev &/or build environments in which I've worked require that
compilation is clean i.e. self-evidently no errors and definitely no
warnings, so if warnings are expected in the build, is there a
definition/listing of them in order that they (the expected warnings)
may be safely discounted, thus allowing effort to be concentrated on
those that are unwanted/unexpected?

Rgds ,

Dave Pointon FIAP MBCS

Now I saw, tho' too late, the folly of beginning a work before we count
the cost and before we we judge rightly of our strength to go thro'
with it - Robinson Crusoe

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