build JDK 7 Windows 7: make jdk fails building sounds
Phil Race
philip.race at
Wed Feb 13 01:10:41 UTC 2013
2d-dev *and* sound-dev I should say ..
On 2/12/2013 5:09 PM, Phil Race wrote:
> I am not sure if you mean will it be "fixing" this.
> The JDK 8 new build system should not be making any changes to the choice
> of library or tools being used here or anywhere else without
> discussion/consent.
> This is a product area specific change which will be handled on 2d-dev
> with
> appropriate product area testing etc.
> -phil.
> On 2/12/2013 4:51 PM, Randy Nielsen wrote:
>> MSDN usually keeps old products around a very long time (you can
>> still get Windows 3.1), but the obvious problem for the open source
>> community is that it is not publicly available.
>> Do you have a perspective on how stable-complete the JDK 8 build is
>> or will be, especially for Windows?
>> Randy
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Phil Race [mailto:philip.race at]
>> Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 4:45 PM
>> To: Randy Nielsen
>> Cc: Kelly O'Hair; build-dev at
>> Subject: Re: build JDK 7 Windows 7: make jdk fails building sounds
>> I've filed a bug JDK-8008022 to upgrade to June 2010.
>> I'll add your suggestion about Oct 2004 as a workaround but if
>> Microsoft have a rolling removal policy that'll be gone soon too.
>> -phil.
>> On 2/12/2013 4:43 PM, Randy Nielsen wrote:
>>> Building with DirectX 9 publicly available builds from 2006, the
>>> closest I can find to 2004, fails. However with access to a DirectX
>>> 9 build only available on MSDN with a login I found a DirectX
>>> version from October 2004: dxsdk_oct2004.exe. When I installed this
>>> I was finally able to successfully build OpenJDK JDK 7. About time!
>>> Unfortunately I can't redistribute this file, but it is available
>>> through MSDN.
>>> Regards,
>>> Randy
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Phil Race [mailto:philip.race at]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 11:42 AM
>>> To: Randy Nielsen
>>> Cc: Kelly O'Hair; build-dev at
>>> Subject: Re: build JDK 7 Windows 7: make jdk fails building sounds
>>> I think Microsoft may have recently removed this.
>>> Typing "summer 2004 direct x sdk" into google, the top hit is a link
>>> to the download location but it is no longer is a valid link.
>>> Obviously lots of people already have a copy but I'm not sure if
>>> they can redistribute it to you.
>>> We specified that one because versions before and afterward were
>>> unstable.
>>> At least that is what our engineer working on the Direct X pipeline
>>> for JDK 6u10 told me. If its no longer available we may need to look
>>> into testing a much newer version. June 2010 as we use in FX might
>>> be a safe bet.
>>> -phil.
>>> On 2/12/2013 11:25 AM, Randy Nielsen wrote:
>>>> Actually I think this failure is because I accidentally installed
>>>> two different versions of the windows 7 sdk. I've rebuilt my
>>>> system and am starting the build again.
>>>> The OpenJDK README does require a specific version of DirectX 9 SDK
>>>> - the Summer 2004 version. The *problem* is that the Summer 2004
>>>> build is not available anywhere - at least I couldn't find it. I
>>>> settled for August 2006 build, which was the closest I could find.
>>>> If you or anyone could point me at a link with the 2004 build I'd
>>>> be grateful.
>>>> For Windows at least the OpenJDK build seems to me to be fraught
>>>> with difficulties in getting the correct version of tools that work
>>>> together. Most notable are some Microsoft products (DirectX) and
>>>> recent versions of Cygwin hanging building Hotspot. The almost
>>>> impossibility of clean uninstalls of Microsoft products adds to the
>>>> difficulties here. I'm not sure anything can be done about this,
>>>> at least for a make system for JDK 7 that is clearly long in the
>>>> tooth.
>>>> Do you think that the JDK8 build system will be sturdier with Windows?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Randy
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Kelly O'Hair [mailto:kelly.ohair at]
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 11:11 AM
>>>> To: Randy Nielsen
>>>> Cc: build-dev at
>>>> Subject: Re: build JDK 7 Windows 7: make jdk fails building sounds
>>>> It is my understanding that this is why we require the use of a
>>>> specific DirectX SDK.
>>>> #
>>>> dxsdk
>>>> -kto
>>>> On Feb 8, 2013, at 7:07 PM, Randy Nielsen wrote:
>>>>> "make jdk" fails building JavaX Sounds library in the include file
>>>>> objidl.h. Output is below. The compiler fails trying to use
>>>>> this: "__RPC__out_xcount_part". The web suggests that the fix is
>>>>> obtained by placing your SDK entries before your VC entries in the
>>>>> PATH and the LIB. I've done this but failure is the same. Does
>>>>> anyone have any suggestions?
>>>>> Randy
>>>>> Building lib:C:/OpenJDK/openjdk/build/windows-amd64/bin/jsoundds.dll
>>>>> "C:/PROGRA~2/MICROS~2.0/Common7/Tools"/../../Vc/bin/amd64/cl -O1
>>>>> -Zi -nologo -M D /D _STATIC_CPPLIB /D
>>>>> -Zc:wchar_t- -FdC:/OpenJ
>>>>> DK/openjdk/build/windows-amd64/tmp/sun/javax.sound/jsoundds/obj64/PL
>>>>> A
>>>>> T
>>>>> FORM_API_W inOS_DirectSound.pdb
>>>>> -FmC:/OpenJDK/openjdk/build/windows-amd64/tmp/sun/javax.sou
>>>>> nd/jsoundds/obj64/ -wd4800 -W3
>>>>> -D _CRT_SECURE_
>>>>> IAN -D_AMD64_ -Damd64 -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -I.
>>>>> -IC:/OpenJDK/openjdk/build/windo
>>>>> ws-amd64/tmp/sun/javax.sound/jsoundds/CClassHeaders
>>>>> -I../../../../src/windows/ja vavm/export
>>>>> -I../../../../src/share/javavm/export
>>>>> -I../../../../src/share/native /common
>>>>> -I../../../../src/windows/native/common
>>>>> -I../../../../src/share/native/j
>>>>> avax/sound -I../../../../src/windows/native/javax/sound
>>>>> -I../../../../src/share/native/com/sun/media
>>>>> /sound -IC:/PROGRA~2/MI4ADD~1/Include -c
>>>>> -FoC:/OpenJDK/openjdk/build/windows-am
>>>>> d64/tmp/sun/javax.sound/jsoundds/obj64/PLATFORM_API_WinOS_DirectSound.obj
>>>>> ../..
>>>>> /../../src/windows/native/com/sun/media/sound/PLATFORM_API_WinOS_Dir
>>>>> e
>>>>> c
>>>>> tSound.cpp
>>>>> PLATFORM_API_WinOS_DirectSound.cpp
>>>>> C:\MSSDKWIN7\Windows\v7.1\Include\objidl.h(11280) : error C2061:
>>>>> syntax error :
>>>>> identifier '__RPC__out_xcount_part'
>>>>> C:\MSSDKWIN7\Windows\v7.1\Include\objidl.h(11281) : error C2059:
>>>>> syntax error :
>>>>> ')'
>>>>> C:\MSSDKWIN7\Windows\v7.1\Include\objidl.h(11281) : fatal error
>>>>> C1903:
>>>>> unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
>>>>> make[4]: ***
>>>>> [C:/OpenJDK/openjdk/build/windows-amd64/tmp/sun/javax.sound/jsoundd
>>>>> s/obj64/PLATFORM_API_WinOS_DirectSound.obj] Error 2
>>>>> make[4]: Leaving directory
>>>>> `/cygdrive/c/OpenJDK/openjdk/jdk/make/javax/sound/jso
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