Review Request: 8008451: Make mac builds on 10.8 work on 10.7

David DeHaven david.dehaven at
Wed Feb 20 18:49:35 UTC 2013

>> I was wrong, just setting the macros below did not generate 10.7 compatible bits when built on 10.8. Since I already pushed the old solution (except for hotspot), I created a new bug. Here is a new set of patches, combining -DMAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED=1070 and -mmacosx-version-min=10.7.0 and also setting the latter on the link command line. This combination both generates compatible binaries and treats newer API calls as errors, all verified.
>> Sine the two parameters take their argument in different formats, the handling of defaults is a bit more complicated. The variable being sent around and that you can override on the command line is now MACOSX_VERSION_MIN=10.7.0, matching the parameter to the compiler/linker.
>> It would be good if someone from hotspot could review the hotspot changes.

Looks good to me!


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