Review Request: 8005575: build-infra: Three JCK tests fails on Solaris with new RE Autoconf-Based build

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at
Fri Jan 4 10:29:38 UTC 2013

Had to add LANG=C to the nawk line to make this work on my linux 
workstation, otherwise one comment wouldn't get matched because it 
contained some weird character.


On 2013-01-02 21:55, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> Looks ok to me.
> -kto
> On Jan 2, 2013, at 2:46 AM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>> In build-infra, an attempt at unifying the handling of properties files was introduced and used in jaxp jaxws. It changed how properties were cleaned quite drastically for these repos, trying to mimic what was going on with StripProperties in jdk and langtools, but using sed. This worked pretty well as long as gnu sed was used, but on solaris, that's not always the case and we saw a couple of test failures in the JCK as a result of that.
>> While working on this, I discovered more issues related to these properties and solaris sed, and came to the conclusion that we cannot support this feature at this point, but should rather revert the property cleaning in jaxp and jaxws to something as similar as possible to the filtering done in the old build and that's what I've done in this change. Changing that can be done later.
>> The reason for not changing the implementation in common/makefiles/JavaCompilation.gmk is that the implementation there is supposed to work the same as the new solution in sjavac. So to not break that, I opted for a local implementation in each of the repos jaxp and jaxws. Instead of using sed, which is known to cause trouble on solaris, I used nawk, which seems to behave less differently. This also enabled us to remove the complex exceptions to the compare rules in common/bin/ for resources.jar. One difference does remain however, and that's an extra newline at the end of one of the properties files. The source file is missing the newline, the ant filter in the old build does not add one, but nawk does. I've added an exception for this as I regard it as a safe diff.
>> /Erik

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