Review Request: 8005597: build-infra: bridgeBuild broken for pure openjdk build

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at
Fri Jan 4 12:08:34 UTC 2013

Ideally I would like the custom hooks in configure and the makefiles 
guarded with checks for OPENJDK (in the closed part of the hook). I have 
added them to some parts that I know will affect the build, but haven't 
done a full audit yet.


On 2013-01-04 13:00, David Holmes wrote:
> On 4/01/2013 9:52 PM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>> Yes, just below I added an option for looking for OPENJDK being set to
>> true, so if you have a full closed forest and want to send a job in with
>> stree to build just open, you can do it with -buildenv OPENJDK=true
> Doh! Sorry - getting late - time to stop :)
> Though as per other email on this, if jdk/make/closed is present you 
> will run into problems because of the custom-hook. So that repo needs 
> to be "hidden" when doing the JPRT submission. :(
> Thanks,
> David
>> /Erik
>> On 2013-01-04 12:44, David Holmes wrote:
>>> On 4/01/2013 9:14 PM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>>>> This makes build-infra work with pure open builds in jprt. Most of it
>>>> contributed by Kelly O'hair.
>>> Did we not resolve that Kelly grudgingly would allow us to relax this
>>> rule:
>>> + # Appears to be an open build
>>> + OPEN_BUILD := \
>>> + $(shell \
>>> + if [ -d $(root_dir)/jdk/src/closed \
>>> + -o -d $(root_dir)/jdk/make/closed \
>>> + -o -d $(root_dir)/jdk/test/closed \
>>> + -o -d $(root_dir)/hotspot/src/closed \
>>> + -o -d $(root_dir)/hotspot/make/closed \
>>> + -o -d $(root_dir)/hotspot/test/closed ] ; then \
>>> + echo "false"; \
>>> Or is there some other way to force an OPENJDK build regardless of
>>> repos present?
>>> David
>>>> /Erik

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