Review Request: 8005694: build-infra: Cleanup of misc changes in build-infra

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at
Fri Jan 4 17:31:45 UTC 2013

Looks ok, although I did not do a complete inventory on these package names. The comparisons will have caught any issues.


On Jan 4, 2013, at 6:33 AM, Erik Joelsson wrote:

> There are a couple of minor changes in build-infra that haven't been merged to jdk8/build yet. All are small and insignificant on their own.
> * Removal of redundant package entries in jar exclude lists. Also sorting the lists to make it easier to spot redundant packages in the future.
> * Removal of unnecessary source file in native compilation
> * Cleaned up comment about code exclusion in CompileJavaClasses.gmk
> Not urgent but would be convenient to get in to reduce diff between jdk8/build and build-infra/jdk8.
> /Erik

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