jdk8 Build changes

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at oracle.com
Mon Jan 7 17:50:42 UTC 2013

On Jan 7, 2013, at 8:33 AM, Tim Bell wrote:

> Hi Volker:
>> I always thought that the
>> MinGW build would be the default for the
>> new build systems but reading your mail this apparently isn't true.
>> Will the MinGW build just not be the default one or will it not work / not
>> be supported at all?
>> If not, will the MinGW changes just get lost in the old build
>> infrastructure?
> MinGW/MSYS is not forgotten.  We had to focus on Cygwin to get past this milestone.
> I will circle back and work on MSYS support, hopefully starting this week.
> Tim

Tim is correct, we aren't forgetting it, but we had to focus on CYGWIN, which was a known quantity
to most of us.
We also had some performance and stability issues with MSYS which we never got to the bottom of.
When we cranked up the -j settings MSYS make seemed to have some issues for us. But that was before
Erik re-did the 'images' logic, which even with CYGWIN had some predictability issues.
So we need to go back and try it again at some point.

But internally, we would like to change to Windows 2008 R2 X64 as the standard build OS, for 32 and 64
bit builds, and I think that will have a higher priority as far as Windows efforts go, at least for the immediate
time frame. We are using XP and 2003 and need to get off those systems asap.


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