Review Request: 8005855: build-infra: Remove -R flag when cross compiling

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at
Wed Jan 9 13:14:09 UTC 2013

8003958 fixes this for sizer generation yes, but there is also one 
library in CompileNativeLibraries that has X_LIBS on the link line. But 
I suppose we shouldn't fix it unless there is a problem with it.


On 2013-01-09 03:56, David Holmes wrote:
> On 9/01/2013 5:56 AM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> I need more info on this, what is X_LIBS for, and why remove ALL -R 
>> options.
> IIRC Fredrik added this to deal with some binary difference detected 
> on OSX. I don't know what these variables actually contain
>> I always considered the -R options to be LD options, not library 
>> specifications really.
>> The -L and -l options are library specifications, but -R is just a 
>> path that gets baked into the .so
>> for runtime access to the libraries, the paths don't have to exist at 
>> build time.
> The paths that get baked in at build time may not exist at runtime.
> Also for cross-compilation the -R option is not recognized - which is 
> what
> build-infra: Cross-compilation of sizers utility has been broken
> is all about. So these two bugs seems to be overlapping somewhat - but 
> the real fix is 8003958.
> David
> -----
>> -kto
>> On Jan 8, 2013, at 5:35 AM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>>> Filter away -R flags from X_LIBS variable in configure.

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