unexpected hg status report

Tim Bell tim.bell at oracle.com
Fri Jan 18 18:55:33 UTC 2013

There have been other reports of similar file permission problems when 
command line access via Cygwin is mixed with creating directories or 
doing other operations via the Windows GUI (explorer?).

I don't have a reference handy, but some searching should be able to 
uncover the email threads in archives of build-dev or 
build-infra-dev at openjdk.java.net

My solution is to eschew the Windows GUI and use the command line, just 
as you would on any other server.


On 01/18/13 10:39, Pete Brunet wrote:
> This is probably not the right workaround but it worked for me:
> cd ... // one level above awt
> chmod -R 644 awt
> cd .../jdk
> hg status // two files found, an exe and a bat
> chmod 755 src/share/sample/scripting/scriptpad/src/scripts/memory.bat
> chmod 755 test/sun/management/windows/revokeall.exe
> Now hg status runs clean.
> cding to directories fails and would require more 755s on dirs you want
> to cd too but Win Explorer doesn't complain.
> Pete
> On 1/18/13 11:34 AM, Pete Brunet wrote:
>> I diffed one of the files:
>> old mode 100644
>> new mode 100755
>> While I've occasionally run into mode differences before on files I've
>> changed I haven't seen this problem on every file.  I'm running cygwig
>> on Win 7.
>> Pete
>> On 1/18/13 11:23 AM, Pete Brunet wrote:
>>> I just ran hg status on a newly cloned jdk8 jdk directory and everything
>>> is listed as modified.  I don't know if I did something wrong or
>>> something else is broken.  Here's what I did:
>>> - install the import bundle from
>>> http://jre.us.oracle.com/java/re/jdk/8.0/promoted/latest/bundles/windows-i586/jdk-8-ea-windows-i586.tar.gz
>>> - set ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH pointing to it
>>> - clone top level: hg clone http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/awt
>>> - clone jdk8: hg clone http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/awt/jdk
>>> - cd ...\jdk\make
>>> - make ARCH_DATA_MODEL=32 ALLOW_DOWNLOADS=true fastdebug_build
>>> - make ARCH_DATA_MODEL=32 ALLOW_DOWNLOADS=true docs // found out
>>> fastdebug doesn't build docs
>>> - cd ..
>>> - hg import --no-commit ...\jdk.patch (patches for 3 files) // it
>>> failed, due to uncommitted changes
>>> - hg status // all files in jdk tree listed as modified
>>> Do I have to start over?
>>> Pete

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