Codereview request for 8003680: JSR 310: Date/Time API

David Holmes david.holmes at
Tue Jan 22 22:19:48 UTC 2013

On 23/01/2013 5:52 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 22/01/2013 19:09, Xueming Shen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Webrev has been updated to address the build issue in the
>> new build infra. M
>> (1) added the java.time packages into
>> common/makefiles.javadoc/CORE_PKGS.gmk
>> to be included into ct.sym
>> (2) not sure which one should be used for <java_home>lib/tzdb.jar. It
>> appears
>> the tzdb.jar will not be picked for "images" if use
>> $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/lib and
>> it does not get copied for "overlay-image", if use
>> Guess something need to be tweak in Images.gmk. But I'm running out of
>> time,
>> so now I copy the tzdb into both to make both happy for M6.
> cc'ing build-dev as I think you need Erik or Kelly to comment on this.
> I'm not an expert on the new build but I think you just need to add
> something like this to CreateJars.gmk:
> $(IMAGES_OUTPUTDIR)/lib/tzdb.jar: $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/lib/tzdb.jar
> $(install-file)
> JARS += $(IMAGES_OUTPUTDIR)/lib/tzdb.jar
> and remove the copying that you are doing in GendataTZDB.gmk.

I'd also like Erik's input on this. All of the jar building was modified 
so that jars go into images/lib not jdk/lib. So it should not be 
necessary (or desirable) to build into jdk/lib and then copy over. That 
said all other jar creation is handled via CreateJars.gmk so perhaps 
this does need a special case. But again I'd like the build-infra 
experts to comment on it.

This isn't a blocker. I just want to make sure we have a good resolution 
to the issue.

I also verified the new build approach with cross-compilation - 
everything good!


> I looked at the changes to the top-level repo and the changes look fine
> to me.
> -Alan.

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