How to debug assert failure in awt.dll?

Pete Brunet peter.brunet at
Wed Jul 10 13:57:01 UTC 2013

On 7/10/13 2:59 AM, Anthony Petrov wrote:
> This is a known issue
> Looks like it's unrelated to a11y and affects any apps with input boxes.
Thanks Anthony, You are right; it is not a11y related.  Is there a bug I
can edit?  I'll add more info:
- it fails on 7udev
- it fails in SwingSet2 in the combo box demo when focus is on the
ComboBox Demo tab and the tab key is pressed to change focus into the
first non-edit combo box.
> I'm not an expert in debugging with VS, but I suppose it wants the
> .pdb file for the awt.dll. Try locating this file in the build/
> directory and point the VS debugger to it. You should also point VS to
> the sources directory (which is jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/).
I tried that (see below) with no luck.
> -- 
> best regards,
> Anthony
> On 07/10/2013 02:01 AM, Pete Brunet wrote:
>> Using code cloned from yesterday, I built the jdk portion of the 7u-dev
>> forest using the debug target and the 7u45 import and am getting an
>> assert failure in Hashtable.cpp when accessibility is enabled.  This is
>> a 32 bit build using a 32 bit import.
>> Letting the execution transition into the debugger stops pointing at
>> awt.dll.
>> How do I debug this?  Assuming having debug symbols would help, I set
>> the Visual Studio debugger symbols dialog to point at either of these
>> two directories but the debugger fails to find the symbols:
>> jdk7u-dev\jdk\build\windows-i586\tmp\sun\sun.awt\awt\obj_g or obj_gO.
>> Pete

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