Looking ahead: how to enable doclint checking when building java.* and javax.*

Joe Darcy joe.darcy at oracle.com
Wed Jul 10 17:38:19 UTC 2013


Over on core-libs-dev, there has been a sequence of bug fixes to cleanup 
doclint warnings and errors in the  java.* and javax.* areas in JDK 8. A 
few weeks ago, there were over 2,000 doclint issues; currently there are 
about 850 remaining and we're making good progress slogging through the 

Looking ahead a few weeks when we may have the happy situation of zero 
doclint issues in JDK 8, I wanted to ask on build-dev how doclint 
warnings and errors can be enabled via the makefiles when building the 
java.* and javax.* sources and how doclint issues can be made fatal. 
(Making doclint issues fatal will help discourage them from creeping 
back in ;-)



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