Request for review and approval to fix 8012366 in 7update

Tim Bell tim.bell at
Fri Jul 12 17:50:48 UTC 2013

On 07/12/13 12:02 AM, David Holmes wrote:
> I am :)
> Tim I think this is okay. Certainly it only makes sense to build 
> install bundles if building install.

Good.  Thanks for the review.

> I just wonder why building install bundles has to appear at this 
> top-level anyway. But that's a different issue.

Perhaps we can do better for JDK8.

The short version of the story is that Release Engineering requested 
this fix so they could run the product and debug builds in parallel 
rather than sequentially.  The legacy bundle creating code in the closed 
install tree assumed that both product and debug builds had been done on 
the same system, and that all bits were available to create bundles at 
the end.  We had to restructure that logic, and the change in OpenJDK 
Makefiles was an unfortunate side effect.


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