autoconf problem

Tim Bell tim.bell at
Tue Jul 16 13:02:42 UTC 2013

Hi Michael:

> Since my latest sync of jdk8/cpu (today) I can't run configure. I get 
> the following
> error:

Looks like your merge touched some of the .m4 files 
(common/autoconf/basics.m4 and common/autoconf/build-performance.m4 to 
name two):

Our standard guidance when this happens is to do your merge, and then run

bash common/autoconf/

to recreate the file(s).

Lastly, commit them as part of your merge.  If you have the closed 
repos, there will be two of them.


> $ bash ./configure
> Warning: The generated configure file contains changes not present in 
> the custom generated file.
> Cannot locate autoconf, unable to correct situation.
> Please install autoconf and run 'bash' to update the 
> generated files.
> Error: Cannot continue
> mm72272 at mm72272-ThinkPad-T420:/export/repos/jdk8-cpu$ bash ./configure 
> --help
> Warning: The generated configure file contains changes not present in 
> the custom generated file.
> Cannot locate autoconf, unable to correct situation.
> Please install autoconf and run 'bash' to update the 
> generated files.
> Error: Cannot continue
> Now, I don't have "autoconf" installed but before I try and continue 
> by installing it,
> I'd like to understand more why this is happening. Any ideas?
> Thanks!
> Michael

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