Build error with GCC4.8 on Fedora19

Helio Frota heliofrota at
Wed Jul 24 19:40:31 UTC 2013


Please need to add the message on the autoconf config scripts:

You might be able to fix this by running 'sudo yum install gcc-c++'.

because "  'sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools"' " not installed the
gcc-c++ compiler.


2013/7/24 Helio Frota <heliofrota at>

> Ok first feedback
> configure: error: Could not find a C++ compiler. You might be able to fix
> this by running 'sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools"'.
> I did this but the error continue.
> Going to investigate a workaround.
> Regards,
> Helio
> 2013/7/24 Helio Frota <heliofrota at>
>> Hi,
>> I'm curious if there was a conclusion on this one. I assume SCTP_WERROR
>> was originally intended for building libsctp (not libnio) so it would be
>> strange to add to SCTP_WERROR to disable -Werror for issues coming from the
>> file system code. One other thing that isn't clear is why there aren't
>> other warnings as there are many other JNI functions in this source file
>> that don't use the "jclass this" parameter.
>> I have a plain raw new fedora 19 x86 env here.
>> Going to do the build right now... and post on this thread the feedback.
>> Regards,
>> Helio
>> 2013/7/24 Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at>
>>> On 10/07/2013 12:01, Omair Majid wrote:
>>>> On 07/09/2013 03:40 AM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>>>>> I would like to see a comment explaining why the option was needed. Is
>>>>> this a bug in gcc or has the checking just become better?
>>>> -Werror is not a great default. It means "all warnings are errors". The
>>>> set of warnings that a compiler emits changes all the time. Users and
>>>> distributions can enable additional warnings by default. Newer compiler
>>>> versions may omit additional warnings. So on any compiler other than the
>>>> typical compiler used, extra warnings are possible. With -Werror, this
>>>> will probably fail. Lots of people discourage it [1].
>>>> We have been setting SCTP_WERROR="" to disable this -Werror on Fedora
>>>> builds [2].
>>>>  I'm curious if there was a conclusion on this one. I assume
>>> SCTP_WERROR was originally intended for building libsctp (not libnio) so it
>>> would be strange to add to SCTP_WERROR to disable -Werror for issues coming
>>> from the file system code. One other thing that isn't clear is why there
>>> aren't other warnings as there are many other JNI functions in this source
>>> file that don't use the "jclass this" parameter.
>>> -Alan
>> --
>> Helio Frota
>> JUG Leader - CEJUG
>> <>
> --
> Helio Frota
> JUG Leader - CEJUG
> <>

Helio Frota
JUG Leader - CEJUG <>

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