Add optional support for using the system libicu

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at
Wed Jun 5 09:21:04 UTC 2013


Is it required to remove the font/layout dir to use the system version? 
I would expect USE_EXTERNAL_ICU_LE=true would add an exclude for that 
directory to SetupNativeCompilation,BUILD_LIBFONTMANAGER.

If you expect to delete the source tree on your side, why not have 
configure check for the existence of the font/layout directory to 
determine the default behavior for system vs bundled?

It seems you forgot to add USE_EXTERNAL_ICU_LE to

Are ICU_LE_CFLAGS and ICE_LE_LIBS supposed to be empty?


On 2013-06-04 23:30, Omair Majid wrote:
> Hi,
> webrev:
> This implements support for linking against the system-installed ICU
> instead of building and linking against the bundled copy of ICU in
> OpenJDK8. Now someone building OpenJDK can delete the .../font/layout
> directory and use configure to build completely against the system
> headers and libraries.
> I had to move SunLayoutEngine.cpp so the #include would be "layout/..",
> which is where the system-installed ICU headers are. It now also matches
> the class name (which is sun.font.SunLayoutEngine, not
> sun.font.layout.SunLayoutEngine).
> I tried to keep all new ICU-related changes next to the existing
> freetype-using-logic since they are both text related.
> FYI: I am quite sure the build breaks if built using the old build
> system; I will fix that next.
> Any comments or suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Omair

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