INFO: ENABLE_FULL_DEBUG_SYMBOLS=1, etc., in build log

David Holmes david.holmes at
Thu Jun 6 00:22:14 UTC 2013

Hi Mark,

On 6/06/2013 8:40 AM, mark.reinhold at wrote:
> The following lines are repeated over and over when building JDK 8:
>    INFO: ALT_OBJCOPY=/usr/bin/objcopy
>    INFO: /usr/bin/objcopy cmd found so will create .debuginfo files.
>    INFO: STRIP_POLICY=min_strip
> It seems like a lot of noise.  Is there a reason for it?

This comes from hotspot build. The FDS processing happens in a file that 
is included a number of times due to the nested make invocations that 
happen with hotspot. Consequently this gets repeated a few times 
(actually fewer than it used to) for each JVM built.

I think we should change this so that is only triggered when a more 
verbose logging level is requested - and try to find a way to only 
report it once.

I will file a bug.


> - Mark

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