RFR: 8016213 : (S) Convert j2se NetBeans project to new build infrastructure

Mike Duigou mike.duigou at oracle.com
Sat Jun 8 01:20:16 UTC 2013

Hello all;

I took a look today at converting the existing J2SE NetBeans project to use the new build infrastructure. It turned out to be easier than I thought!

Below is the patch needed to invoke the top level make file 'clean-jdk' and 'jdk' targets. It requires that have previously run the configure step and that you only have a single configuration in your build directory (It doesn't know anything about CONF or SPEC yet).

I have successfully built the jdk target using this change on MacOS X and Linux x64.


P.S.: This is the first of a series of changesets which will complete the conversion of the OpenJDK JDK NetBeans projects to the new build infrastructure. Follow http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=8016213 to track the progress.

diff --git a/make/netbeans/common/shared.xml b/make/netbeans/common/shared.xml
--- a/make/netbeans/common/shared.xml
+++ b/make/netbeans/common/shared.xml
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
         <echo level="verbose">System configuration claims architecture is ${platform}-${arch}</echo>
         <property name="build.dir" location="${root}/build/${platform}-${arch}"/>
         <property name="bin.dir" location="${build.dir}/bin"/>
-        <property name="make.dir" location="${root}/make"/>
+        <property name="make.dir" location="${root}/make"/> <!-- this is old build make files! -->
         <property name="gensrc.dir" location="${build.dir}/gensrc"/>
         <property name="classes.dir" location="${build.dir}/classes"/>
         <property name="jtreg.dir" location="${build.dir}/jtreg/${ant.project.name}"/>
diff --git a/make/netbeans/j2se/build.xml b/make/netbeans/j2se/build.xml
--- a/make/netbeans/j2se/build.xml
+++ b/make/netbeans/j2se/build.xml
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@
     <import file="../common/shared.xml"/>
     <target name="-build-make" depends="-make.init" if="use.make">
-        <make-run target="all" dir="${make.dir}"/>
+        <make-run target="jdk" dir="${root}/.."/>
     <target name="-clean-make" depends="-make.init" if="use.make">
-        <make-run target="clean" dir="${make.dir}"/>
+        <make-run target="clean-jdk" dir="${root}/.."/>

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