RFR: 8016572 : (xs) Pass CONCURRENCY=$(JOBS) to test/Makefile

Mike Duigou mike.duigou at oracle.com
Fri Jun 14 16:21:41 UTC 2013

On Jun 14 2013, at 04:06 , Alan Bateman wrote:

> On 14/06/2013 00:53, Mike Duigou wrote:
>> Hello all;
>> This is a small change to the make test target with big consequences. It enables concurrent running of tests. The number of simultaneous test jobs is the same as number of build jobs.
>> This issue probably should have been combined with 8014819 as the two issues have been tested together. Thanks go to Amy Lu and Alan Bateman for their feedback and experience reports with concurrent testing.
>> JPRT is not impacted by this change since it invokes the test/Makefile directly.
>> Mike
>> diff -r b40d24f793d2 common/makefiles/Main.gmk
>> --- a/common/makefiles/Main.gmk Tue Jun 04 10:36:00 2013 +0200
>> +++ b/common/makefiles/Main.gmk Thu Jun 13 16:47:45 2013 -0700
>> @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
>>  test: images test-only
>>  test-only: start-make
>>         @$(call TargetEnter)
>>         @$(call TargetExit)
>>  # Stores the tips for each repository. This file is be used when constructing the jdk image and can be
> This looks goods to me as $(JOBS) is about right for the jdk repository.

I can't speak to optimal performance but it is also sufficient for a successful run of langtools on a 24-core x64 linux box, a 2 core OSX box, and a single core linux x86 virtual box.

If it turns out there is a more optimal way to run tests we can tweak the setting.

> I think Jon mentioned somewhere (quality-discuss perhaps) that -concurrency:auto might be too much for the langtools tests given the number of compute-bound combo tests. I don't know if this is a concern here.

I found -concurrency:auto generated too many jobs on the machines I use. -concurrency:$(JOBS) is currently always smaller than -concurrency:auto. 

$JOBS is currently approximately min(16, min($(CORES),$(MEMORY) / 1100M)))

If we find that $JOBS ends up being too high in some cases it's probably an indicator that we need to adjust the $(JOBS) sizing.


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