Build Configure Fail In Windows Platform

Dan Xu dan.xu at
Thu Jun 27 05:53:08 UTC 2013

Hi All,

I updated my cygwin in my windows 7 yesterday. And since then, the build 
configuration failed to work. After investigating the build issue, I 
find the problem is related with the sed package updated in the cygwin. 
The latest sed package in cygwin is version 4.2.2-1. If I downgrade my 
sed package to version 4.2.1-2 and re-run the configuration, everything 
works fine again.

I am not sure whether the issue is the latest sed itself, such as a bug 
in sed 4.2.2-1. Or our build scripts need to be updated to work with the 
new sed version.

Here is the error message,

    checking for DirectX SDK include dir...
    configure: Rewriting DXSDK_INCLUDE_PATH to
    checking for cl... /cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual
    Studio 10.0/VC/BIN/amd64/cl
    configure: Rewriting CC to
    checking resolved symbolic links for CC...
    checking if CC is disguised ccache... no, keeping CC
    configure: error: Target CPU mismatch. We are building for x86_64
    but CL is for "; expected "x64".
    configure exiting with result code 1

I just reported a bug for this failure at jdk-8019229. Thanks!


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